Supermarkets, markets ordinarily work after nationwide social distancing rule

The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade in coordination with functional agencies, production enterprises and businesses in the city has planned reserve and and supply of food, foodstuff and essential goods, during the COVID-19 pandemic after the Prime Minister ordered 15- day nationwide social distancing from April 1. 
Supermarkets, markets ordinarily work after 15-day nationwide social distancing rule
Supermarkets, markets ordinarily work after 15-day nationwide social distancing rule

Under the plan, small- large scale markets, supermarkets and convenience stores ordinarily work after April 1 in order to meet the needs of consumers.

Business units of supermarkets and retail stores in the city also planned to reserve food with a goal of ensuring the supply of essential foods, foodstuffs; therefore, people are recommended to stop panic buying and hoarding food and goods.

Under the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, people should not gather at selling points and proactively buy goods online and require home delivery to reduce the risk of Covid-19 disease infection.

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