Sediments discovered in Heineken beer

Sediments were found in Heineken beer cans by a Ho Chi Minh City resident. 

Sediments were found in Heineken beer cans by a Ho Chi Minh City resident. 

A Heineken can
A Heineken can

Huynh Tran Ngoc Chien, a resident in the suburban district of Thu Duc of HCMC, and two of his friends bought a case of Heineken beer for their party and were dismayed to find sediments in the beer contents.

Chien contacted the manufacturer to report the matter and demanded to have them send a team to document the proof.

However, the manufacturer refused to take responsibility in this matter. Disappointed with the manufacturer’s behavior, Chien reported this to Sai Gon Giai Phong newspaper.

A SGGP reporter later chose beer cans at random, marked with the expiry dates February 10, 2011 and August 10, 2011 among the 13 remaining unopened beer cans. When he poured the contents into a glass, he found sediments at the bottom of the glass.

Since Chien had kicked up a fuss, the manufacturer was compelled to check and he took two beer cans back to the factory for checking. The particular beer case in question was produced at a factory in district Hoc Mon in HCMC. The inspector at the factory was asked to open a beer can to confirm what Chien had found in the beer cans.

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