Rare turtles found in Ha Tinh Province

An endangered mountain tortoise Indotestudo elongata was found by Mr. N.V.D, 42, residing in Trung Thuong Hamlet in Ky Tan Commune, Ky Anh District of Ha Tinh Province on August 11.

The rare yellow creature, whose scientific name is Indotestudo elongata, weighs 0.4 kg and is healthy. The animal belongs to a species listed in Group IIB of the Vietnam Red Data Book and is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

After finding the turtle, Mr. N.V.D captured it and handed it over to the functional bodies and Forest Protection Department of Ky Anh District to release the rare animal into the wild.

The endangered mountain tortoise Indotestudo elongata is found in Ha Tinh Province. (Photo: SGGP)

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