Rainfall-induced landslide, flashflood sweep away killing two people

Two people were killed in landslides and floods triggered by heavy rainfall.

Rainfall-induced landslide, flashflood sweep away killing two people

At approximately 10 a.m. on September 29, a significant landslide occurred on National Route 2, in the area of Viet Vinh Commune in Ha Giang Province’s Bac Quang District, resulting in a large volume of earth and rock cascading down onto residential areas and the roadway.

Eyewitnesses of severe landslide in a northern mountainous province reported that around four houses, one passenger bus, at least two cars, and several trucks were buried under the debris killing two residents.

At the same time, flash floods in Viet Vinh Commune devastated two homes, where six people lived. Five of them were able to get out, but one person was trapped under the debris.

Rainfall-induced landslide, flashflood sweep away killing two people

Preliminary information from the Ha Giang Provincial Police indicates that heavy rainfall, accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning, struck the Bac Quang district on the morning of September 29. Several communes and towns, including Thuong Binh, Dong Tam, Viet Vinh, Huu San, Kim Ngoc, Tan Lap, and Tan Thanh, experienced severe impacts.

In Viet Vinh, floodwaters swept away local resident Van Thi Xuong, born in 1970, in Thuong My village. The Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue Command of Viet Vinh commune has mobilized authorities to search for victims.

In Dong Tam commune, a devastating landslide tragically engulfed the kitchen of Mai Ngoc Thang's home, trapping his granddaughter, Mai Thi Chang, a fifth-grade student, inside with no chance to escape.

Rescue teams are currently approaching the scene to conduct victim searches.

The heavy rainfall has caused damage to 15 households in the communes of Viet Vinh and Dong Tam. Additionally, the National Route 2 at Km 51, passing through Viet Vinh, has been inundated with floodwaters approximately one meter deep, completely disrupting traffic.

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Upon receiving the report, the Bac Quang District Police swiftly mobilized their forces to the scene, assessed the situation, confirmed the extent of the damage, and provided assistance to help the community cope with the aftermath of the natural disaster.

The force also helped evacuate households in areas at risk of landslides to safety.

The Traffic Police Department of Ha Giang Provincial Police has deployed forces to patrol, control and guide traffic flow, ensuring safety for people.

Simultaneously, the forces continue to support overcoming the damage caused by rain, floods and landslides.

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