President Truong Tan Sang yesterday attended a conference praising collectives and individuals in Fatherland Front agencies for their work from 2009-13.
Participants were briefed on achievements of collectives in economic development, poverty reduction, rural development and cultural activities.
Heads of sub-agencies of the Fatherland Front across the country who worked devotedly to accomplish the Front's missions were also praised by the Standing Committee of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front (VFF).
He said the agencies had also contributed considerably to people's cultural life in residential areas, education promotion campaigns, getting rid of superstitious customs, environment protection and activities on social welfare for heroic mothers and those devoted to the country's revolutions.
Yet, the President said that good results were not seen in all residential areas.
This meant that further training for staff at Front agencies was a priority, he said.
Fatherland Front President Nguyen Thien Nhan also called on Front agencies to participate in activities to celebrate the coming eighth VFF Congress.
Viet Nam Fatherland Front is a voluntary union of political organisations and social organisations representing the people of Viet Nam. Its motus operandi is to supervise the operations of the government and ensure political and moral unity.