Medical volunteer program strengthens Vietnam-Laos friendship

The Youth Union of HCMC, the Oriental Traditional Medicine Association of the city, and HCMC Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Institute signed an agreement on August 22 to organize summer volunteer activities in Laos in 2024.

At the signing ceremony (Photo: SGGP)

At the signing ceremony, Vice President of HCMC Oriental Traditional Medicine Association cum Deputy Director of the Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Institute of the city, Nguyen Thanh Tuyen said that the program aims to strengthen the friendship between the people of Vietnam and Laos.

Under the program, volunteers will participate in activities, such as providing technical transfer support for diagnosis and treatment, training Vietnamese practitioners for traditional medicine combined with modern medicine, offering gifts to people, youth unions’ members, and young people in Champasak and Attapeu provinces, giving free medical examinations and medicine for disadvantaged residents and youth in Attapeu province.

Vice President of HCMC Oriental Traditional Medicine Association cum Deputy Director of the Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Institute of the city, Nguyen Thanh Tuyen speaks at the event. (Photo: SGGP)

The joint activities aim to promote the spirit of solidarity and friendship between youth union members and young people of the two countries, strengthen the implementation of economic, cultural, and social development cooperation programs between HCMC and Laotian provinces and cities, timely provide healthcare support for disadvantaged people in Laos.

Representatives of the three organizations at the signing ceremony (Photo: SGGP)

The HCMC’s youth has carried out volunteer activities to provide healthcare support for disadvantaged people in Laos for over the past 20 years. The signing of the agreement on organizing summer volunteer activities marks the start of providing technical transfer support for diagnosis and treatment and training medicine practitioners in Laos.

The activities not only help Vietnamese medical workers improve their professional skills, communication abilities, and international cooperation but also contribute to raising the quality of local health services and caring for the health of the Laotian people.

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