Accordingly, local residents and the media have reported suspected people entering Ghenh Rang national scenic site a not a long time ago to fell trees in the forest there and move logs to sell elsewhere.
Tuy Phuoc – Quy Nhon Forest Protection Division then informed that the reported site has been under the responsibility of Le Minh Tai in Ghenh Rang Ward of Quy Nhon City since 1993 in compliance with afforestation project No.PAM-4304, which has an effect of a surface area of 7ha. At present, Mr. Tai is working on 2ha of the project land, while the other 5ha is left untouched.
What is worth mentioning here is the land lot assigned to Mr. Tai is located at the core of Ghenh Rang national scenic site. Therefore, it is commented that the felling of trees there will destroy the beauty of this landscape, negatively affecting the national scenic site.