HCMC proposes creating conditions to attract green energy investors

Vice Chairman Vo Van Hoan of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee proposed policy-makers to facilitate conditions to attract investors in the green energy sector.

Deputy Chairman Ta Dinh Thi of the National Assembly’s Committee on Science, Technology, and Environment speaks at the meeting.

Vice Chairman Vo Van Hoan made the statement at a meeting with Deputy Chairman Ta Dinh Thi of the National Assembly’s Committee on Science, Technology, and Environment, who led a delegation to work with the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee on the revised Electricity Law project on September 7.

According to the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, it has submitted its Power Development Plan for the period 2016-2025, with a vision towards 2035 in compliance with the current Electricity Law for approval of higher agencies. This plan serves as a basis for the electricity sector to invest in the construction of power grid projects, ensuring a safe and stable electricity supply to support the city’s socio-economic development.

The municipal People’s Committee has organized the development of a project to use public rooftops for installing solar power systems, in accordance with the implementation plan of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 98/2023/QH15. Regulatory agencies have strengthened the supervision of power companies’ activities, particularly in ensuring electrical safety, service quality, and electricity pricing.

However, the effectiveness of monitoring is still limited due to a lack of resources and supporting tools during implementation. Additionally, during the implementation of the power planning, there are still some limitations such as the lack of synchronization between sectoral planning and local planning (land use planning, construction planning), causing difficulties in the process of constructing the power grid.

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman Vo Van Hoan suggested that the central government should further promote decentralization and delegation of authority to localities in planning and investment to help the southern largest city proactively make decisions on many issues, including the development of the urban power grid.

Vice Chairman Vo Van Hoan stated that many foreign investors wish to install rooftop solar power systems, so it is necessary to quickly resolve obstacles to promote this green energy growth. Additionally, there are currently investors proposing to build energy storage system manufacturing plants in the city, so policy-makers need to formulate mechanisms and policies to attract these investors.

Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee on Science, Technology, and Environment Ta Dinh Thi suggested that leaders of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee direct the Department of Industry and Trade, along with other city departments, to continue refining the report, especially including the city’s practical lessons, to submit for the central government’s approval.

He also recommended continuing to coordinate with the Committee on Science, Technology, and Environment in the process of reviewing, amending, and finalizing the revised Electricity Law project.

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