Chairman of District 3 People’s Committee Vo Van Duc reported that his district has held meetings between all 15 candidates for positions in the National Assembly, the HCMC People’s Council and voters in the neighborhoods.
Receiving consensus from the public, these candidates are officially named in the election list, which is posted at 72 election locations of District 3. The voter list is also completed.
Noticeably, District 3 has launched a special information portal for the voter list at the address of quan3tphcm.gov.vn , along with a QR code so that the general public can check their personal information.
If there is a mistake, they can request information editing, which will be then passed to the corresponding wards for verification. Within 2 business days, the editing request will be fulfilled, less than the regulated time by 2 days.
District 3 also implements IT to publicize the voter list via its official Facebook fanpage and Zalo page, the Zalo groups of each neighborhood.
“Only after 2 days after activation, the portal welcomed around 3,000 visits, 60 of whom asked for information revision”, said Chairman Duc.
Deputy Secretary Nguyen Ho Hai highly appreciated the effort of state officers in District 3 in performing necessary election preparation tasks and applying technology innovatively to ease the burden.
He then asked that the district continue to propagandize necessary election information to the community, especially those living in apartment buildings, so that all can actively join in the upcoming ‘Citizen Festival’ on May 23.
Finally, the Deputy Secretary reminded the localities that District 3 accommodates several central-leveled and city-leveled offices, which means the state leaders here need to pay more attention to public security maintenance on election days.
Chairman of District 1 People’s Committee Nguyen Van Dung also reported the current status of election preparation tasks. Accordingly, the district has finished hanging 213 banners and 21 panels in different locations. It has also distributed 9,600 pamphlets and 7,000 booklets of election regulations to its residents.
District 1 has 73 election locations to accommodate 164,143 voters.
Deputy Secretary Nguyen Ho Hai praised the localities here for their completion of the assigned election-related tasks.
He then noted that the district should propagandize the content of Resolution No.131/2020 by the National Assembly and Decree No.33/2021 by the Government about establishing the urban administration in HCMC. Simultaneously, the community should be updated about legal regulations regarding the election process.
Lastly, he reminded that state officers who serve the election tasks must try their best to aid the public in fulfilling their voting duty and to ensure security at election locations.