HCMC highly values relations with Chinese ministries and localities

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Nguyen Van Dung said that HCMC highly values relations with Chinese ministries and localities.

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Nguyen Van Dung (R) gifts Vice Chairman Bianba Zhaxi

Vice Chairman Dung made the statement at a meeting with a delegation from the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of China led by Vice Chairman Bianba Zhaxi on the occasion of their visit to the southern largest city.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Van Dung stressed that the Party Committee, the government and the people of Ho Chi Minh City always attach great importance to maintaining and developing relations with ministries and localities of China. The city Party Committee and the government hope to closely coordinate with the Chinese side to fully implement the strategic guidelines and common perceptions and important agreements reached between the leaders of the two parties and the two countries.

Regarding the orientation of cooperation between the two sides, Mr. Nguyen Van Dung proposed to maintain exchanges and cooperation between the Ho Chi Minh City Ethnic Affairs Committee and Ethnic Affairs Committees of localities of China in exchanging experiences in ethnic affairs work.

Vice Chairman of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of China Bianba Zhaxi highly appreciated the achievements that Ho Chi Minh City has achieved in ethnic affairs work.

According to Mr. Bianba Zhaxi, the working program in Ho Chi Minh City aims to concretize cooperation activities under the cooperation agreement on ethnic affairs between the two countries signed at the end of last year. Mr. Bianba Zhaxi said that both parties' Party and Government attach great importance to ethnic affairs work and have many policies for ethnic minorities. Mr.Bianba Zhaxi affirmed that he would strive to concretize the cooperative relationship on ethnic affairs between the Ethnic Affairs Commissions of the two countries.

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