HCMC continues to strengthen implementation of litter prevention campaign

The standing committee of the HCMC Party Committee has changed the name of the steering committee for the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean city and flooding reduction” campaign.

HCMC continues to strengthen the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean, green and eco-friendly city” campaign. (Photo: SGGP)

Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen has just signed a decision on completing personnel organization and changing the name of the steering committee for the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean city and flooding reduction” campaign into the steering committee for the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean, green and eco-friendly city” campaign.

The steering committee for the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean, green and eco-friendly city” campaign includes 22 members, including the committee’s head Nguyen Phuoc Loc, Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee cum Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in HCMC; deputy heads consisting of Head of the Mass Mobilization Commission of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Manh Cuong and Vice Chairman of the HCMC People’s Committee Bui Xuan Cuong; and 19 members, including Deputy editor-in-chief of the Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper Pham Van Truong.

The Steering Committee is responsible for assisting the Standing Committee of the HCMC Party Committee in leading, directing, and organizing the implementation of programs and plans of the city, districts, wards, communes, and towns for the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean, green and eco-friendly city” campaign.

The Steering Committee is also assigned the task of creating reports on the implementation of the litter prevention campaign every six months and a year, and submitting them to the Standing Committee of the HCMC Party Committee and the municipal Party Executive Committee; and advising the Standing Committee of the city’s Party Committee to summarize the implementation of Directive No. 19-CT/CU on carrying out the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean, green and eco-friendly city” campaign, and consider the decision on establishing a supporting teams for the Steering Committee.

Additionally, Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai on behalf of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party Committee to sign a document on continuing to strengthen the “HCMC residents do not litter in roads and canals for a clean, green and eco-friendly city” campaign.

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