HCMC builds Urban Development Program by 2040

Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee, Bui Xuan Cuong has just directed the development of the HCMC Urban Development Program by 2040.

A corner of HCMC (Photo: SGGP)

Accordingly, the Department of Construction will focus on accelerating the implementation of the HCMC planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 and adjustment of the city's general planning until 2040, with a vision extending to 2060 to carry out the evaluation and approval of the urban planning program.

In addition, the department will also be responsible for reviewing the legality and procedures for general planning of the HCMC urban development program, clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each agency and organization during the implementation process.

The HCMC’s urban development program has six steps, including:

- The HCMC Department of Construction will cooperate with the Housing and Urban Development Institute under the Vietnam Institute of Architecture to create a program, collect opinions from relevant agencies and units, and complete the program.

- The HCMC Department of Planning and Architecture will conduct the appraisal and prepare an appraisal report.

- The HCMC Department of Construction will finish documents in accordance with the appraisal report and advise the HCMC People's Committee to create a report and submit it to the HCMC People's Council.

- The HCMC People's Council will organize conferences and pass resolutions for approval.

- The HCMC Department of Construction will finalize the documents and submit them to the HCMC People's Committee.

- The HCMC People's Committee will approve the HCMC Urban Development Program through 2040.

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