VARSI commented that so far, various obstacles have existed in the implementation of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) projects. As they have not been completely solved for a long time, BOT project investors are facing deadlocks.
Therefore, VARSI proposed that the Prime Minister deliver detailed directives on the three following matters:
_An organization chaired by the Transport Ministry should be formed to devise feasible measures for problems in each BOT project and report to the Government by December 30, 2022.
_The three Ministries of Transport, Planning and Investment, Finance should cooperate with the People’s Committees of the provinces where BOT projects are sited to identify specific reasons leading to inadequacies in those projects. The ones to be prioritized must be those with evaluations from the Government Inspector, the State Audit regarding the total investment amount, station placement plan, toll collection plan, investment efficiency. Suitable solutions will be then developed to perfect legal policies on PPP investment in the upcoming time.
_The Prime Minister should direct related ministries and state agencies to fully address inadequacies resulting from the inability to either fulfill commitments of the State or to collect toll because of citizen objection.
In particular, VARSI suggested allocating the state budget to buy back the right for toll collection to payback project expenses, terminating the project contract ahead of time, and restructuring the project debt along with using the state budget to pay for project investors.
The nine BOT traffic projects whose toll collection rights are proposed to buy back by VARSI consist of