Authorities throw book at employers violating insurance regulations

Authorities will throw the book at employers who do not pay social insurance and health insurance for employees.

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At the meeting

This was heard at a meeting organized yesterday by the Thu Duc City Party Committee to summarize 15 years of implementing Directive 38 of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat on promoting health insurance work in the new situation.

In implementing Directive 38, the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee has directed all party committees, authorities, and political-social organizations to coordinate with Thu Duc City Social Insurance Agency to focus on disseminating to agencies, units, and schools about the position, role, and significance of health insurance in the social security system, viewpoints and goals in implementing health insurance policies and laws.

By the end of 2023, the number of people participating in health insurance in Thu Duc City reached a coverage rate of 91.25 percent of the population including 227,272 buyers participating in household health insurance. The proportion of students participating in health insurance reached 98.76 percent. Of 136 schools, 103 have 100 percent of students participating in health insurance.

Vice Chairman of Thu Duc City People's Committee Nguyen Ky Phung requested all party committees, authorities, departments, agencies, units, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and political-social organizations to continue to promote propaganda work and effectively implement health insurance policies. They should strengthen coordination between the Propaganda and Education Board with state management agencies in implementing the socio-economic development plan, resolving emerging issues that people are concerned about.

In addition, improvement of the quality of medical examination and treatment services at medical facilities in Thu Duc City to meet the needs of people participating in health insurance was heard at the meeting.

Meeting participants also took heed of the goals and roadmap for implementing universal health insurance towards 100 percent of households participating in health insurance in the period 2020-2025 and completing the goal by 2030. All party committees and authorities in districts must mobilize all sources to give gratis health insurance cards and support the disadvantaged, policy families, orphans, students who are poor and difficult, and ethnic minorities.

Relevant agencies will increase supervision and inspection on the implementation of health insurance policies to promptly throw the book at employers who do not fulfill their obligations to pay social insurance and health insurance for employees, or defraud and profit from the health insurance fund.

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