98 enterprises receive HCMC Green Business title

Today, August 29, under the chairmanship of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper, and the HCMC Union of Business Association jointly organized the ceremony to honor and award the title of “HCMC Green Business 2024.”

The program to select and award the title of “HCMC Green Business” was relaunched in 2023 with three core objectives: to honor, commend, and encourage businesses to comply with regulations on waste management during production and business activities, and to conduct research and produce environmentally friendly products; to enhance business responsibility in environmental protection, aiming for sustainable growth; and to support businesses in promoting themselves, improving competitiveness, and integrating into the global economy. In 2023, the organizing committee awarded the HCMC Green Business title to 90 enterprises.

In 2024, the organizing committee continued the selection process for the second edition of the HCMC Green Business title. To date, 98 businesses have met the criteria to receive the HCMC Green Business 2024 title. Among them, 53 enterprises are in the production and business sectors, while 45 are in the trade, services, and real estate sectors.

The 98 outstanding enterprises honored today are exemplary models, embodying the spirit of responsibility, creativity, and perseverance in environmental protection. These enterprises have shown a strong commitment by taking practical steps to strictly comply with environmental standards, efficiently use resources, and develop numerous green initiatives. Their efforts not only highlight the dedication of these businesses but also affirm the importance of sustainable development in the business strategies of HCMC's business community, contributing positively to the socio-economic growth of the country as a whole and HCMC in particular.

The program officially begins at 4 p.m. today, August 29. During the ceremony, attendees will have the opportunity to visit, experience, and learn about the green production models and products of the businesses that have earned the Green Business title.

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