Red tide seen in waters of Tho Chau Island, Kien Giang Province

The red tide phenomenon was seen in waters of Mun Beach on Tho Chau Island, Phu Quoc City, Kien Giang Province at noon on June 12.

The red tide phenomenon has been seen in waters of Mun Beach on Tho Chau Island, Phu Quoc City, Kien Giang Province.

The sightings of bizarre natural phenomena sparked curiosity in residents around the island.

On June 13, Secretary of Tho Chau Commune’s Party Committee Do Van Dung stated that the phenomenon of red tide, often called algal blooms in marine environments, has been spotted in waters of Mun Beach since noon on June 12, covering an area of approximately 1,000 square meters.

This phenomenon aroused curiosity in residents as the water took on red hues.

By noon on June 13, the color of the water diminished compared to the previous day.

The red tide-hit locality has not recorded significant damage caused by the phenomenon so far, apart from small dead fish washing up on the shore.

Red tide discolor waters.

Red tide is often caused by blooms of microscopic algae that can discolor coastal waters. The excessive algal growth, or algal bloom can turn water on pink, purple, red, orange and so on.

Depending on the species of algae, red tide can produce various levels of toxins and deplete oxygen in water, leading to mass mortality of marine species.

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