The book was edited and published by the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House, the Communist Review Magazine, the Vietnam News Agency, and other relevant agencies.
Divided into three parts, the book is a collection of 92 writings, speeches, talks, excerpts from interviews, and letters by the Party chief, with the earliest piece dating back to 1968. The contents reflect his profound concern over building, preserving, and developing the Vietnamese culture with traditional and modern elements to contribute to national construction and development.

It also includes over 90 documentary photos capturing moments of the Party leader in cultural activities, working trips to localities and cultural sector units, and engaging with artists and intellectuals nationwide.
The e-version of the book is available at https://sachquocgia.vn.
Following the debut ceremony, the book will be translated into multiple foreign languages to help promote Vietnam's cultural values on a global scale.