Working with the ministry about specialized inspection over export import goods yesterday, Mr. Dung asked to futher cut the lists of goods that must undergo specialized inspection, reduce customs clearance time and urgently conduct specialized inspection over import goods.
Stating at the meeting, minister Dung conveyed the Prime Minister’s encouragement to the ministry’s efforts in conducting administrative reform, settling 12 long lasting projects, consulting the PM on specific solution to solve each project and cutting 675 business conditions to solve difficulties for businesses.
One commodity should be managed by only one minsitry or agency to create the best conditions for businesses, Mr. Dung cited the PM’s instruction.
The PM required the ministry to continue tackling long lasting loss making and insufficient projects, withdrawing state capital and streamlining administrative procedures.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has established a hot line on export import procedures at 024. 2220.2240, said Minister Mr. Tran Tuan Anh.