Long An Province fines enterprise for excessive wastewater dumping

The People’s Committee of Long An Province yesterday imposed a punishment on An Hung Nong Co. Ltd. for discharging wastewater exceeding technical standards.

Collecting a wastewater sample in canals passing Tan Dong Commune of Thanh Hoa District

Accordingly, An Hung Nong Co. Ltd., sited in Tan Dong Commune of Thanh Hoa District, received an administrative fine of VND80 million (US$3,144). As its wastewater sample reveals 7 over-limit parameters, it was also fined an additional amount calculated as a percentage of each parameter that exceeded the standard, for a total of VND232 million ($9,120), making a total of VND312 million ($12,265).

At present many canals bordering Tien Giang Province and Long An Provinces are polluted, severely affecting daily operations and manufacturing activities of local people.

Seeing that, the People’s Committee of Thanh Hoa District cooperated with the functional agencies of Long An Province to collect discharged wastewater samples of the branches of An Hung Nong Co. Ltd.

An Hung Nong Co. Ltd. is releasing harmful wastewater into the environment

Results display that the pH parameter exceeded 2.121 times; COD exceeded 2.514 times; suspended solids exceeded 96.1 times; total nitrogen exceeded 3.3 times; total phosphorus exceeded 44.9 times; ammonia exceeded 4.4 times; sulfide exceeded 1.18 times compared to the national technical standards for industrial wastewater. The wastewater flow is 3-4m3/day.

Besides those violations, An Hung Nong Co. Ltd. also broke the law related to the construction and installation of wastewater treatment facilities and other works. The functional agencies of Long An Province have proposed to the Long An Provincial People's Committee to impose an administrative fine for this violation of VND412 million ($16,196).

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