Lam Dong Province sets example of high-tech agriculture development

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang applauds Lam Dong's achievements and highlights four key potentials for future growth saying that the province sets an example of high-tech agriculture development.

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Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang at the conference

During a conference on announcing the Lam Dong Provincial planning for 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050 and trade promotion, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang commended the remarkable accomplishments of Lam Dong's agricultural sector.

Deputy Prime Minister Quang emphasized that in addition to its cultural potential, Lam Dong Province possesses four key areas that require continued strong development such as aviation connectivity, transportation connectivity, high-tech agricultural development, and industry development linked to the raw material region.

Taking agriculture as a specific example, the Deputy Prime Minister highlighted Lam Dong's role as a pioneer and exemplary model in high-tech agricultural development and the province is the source of inspiration to further advance this sector.

Furthermore, the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out Lam Dong's future advantages, as numerous expressways will connect Lam Dong to surrounding areas, particularly the Southeast region. In terms of aviation, Lien Khuong Airport has officially become an international airport, marking the first international airport in the Central Highlands region, opening up immense opportunities for tourism development in Lam Dong Province and the Central Highlands region.

Deputy Prime Minister Quang also urged Lam Dong authorities to prioritize fostering a culture of investor engagement, recognizing that investors not only consider a locality's potential but also assess whether local leaders are supportive and committed to their endeavors.

In response to the Deputy Prime Minister's recommendations, Acting Lam Dong Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Thai Hoc affirmed that the announcement of Lam Dong's provincial planning establishes clear objectives, visions, and directions for both immediate and long-term development. The province reiterates its commitment to collaborating with businesses to create a fair, transparent, and effective business environment for investors who pour money into Lam Dong Province.

At the conference, leaders of the province presented investment certificates and memorandums of understanding to 12 enterprises with a total investment capital of approximately US$6 billion, anticipating the realization of major projects in Lam Dong Province in the coming time.

It is estimated that Lam Dong Province will have 66,000 hectares of high-tech agricultural production in 2023, with numerous agricultural production models generating revenues exceeding VND300 million per hectare per year. Notably, high-tech flower production models yield incomes ranging from VND1 billion to VND2 billion per hectare per year.

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