HCMC works on boosting in Vietnam-India friendly cooperative relationship

Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai on August 30 received a delegation from the Communist Party of India during the delegation's working trip to the city.

The delegation was led by General Secretary of the Communist Party of India Doraisamy Raja.

Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai (R) receives General Secretary of the Communist Party of India Doraisamy Raja. (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

At the reception, the Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee expressed his pleasure at the visit as well as the special solidarity and friendship between the two parties, states and peoples of Vietnam and India.

Chairman Phan Van Mai emphasized that Vietnam always remembers and appreciates the support from the people and political parties of India for the struggle for national liberation and the development of Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City strongly supports and is committed to further promoting, tightening and deepening the friendly cooperative relationship between the two nations, between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Communist Party of India.

Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai (R) and General Secretary of the Communist Party of India Doraisamy Raja (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

On this occasion, Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai informed Doraisamy Raja of the city’s economic and social development situation and desires from Ho Chi Minh City in cooperation with India in various fields to further boost economic and social development, specifically in the fields of investment and tourism.

Besides, he also suggested cooperation between localities and Indian states governed by the Communist Party of India.

General Secretary Doraisamy Raja pleasured in the traditional good relationship between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Communist Party of India as well as between the peoples of the two countries at the current time, specifically, the two countries' frequent sharing of stances on international issues and consistent supports of India for the Vietnamese government.

Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai on August 30 receives a delegation from the Communist Party of India, led by General Secretary of the Communist Party of India Doraisamy Raja, on the occasion of the working trip to Ho Chi Minh City. (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

On the occasion of the working trip of the Indian delegation, Chairman Phan Van Mai extended congratulations to the Communist Party of India on its recent achievements. He wished the Communist Party of India will continue gaining new achievements on its 100th establishment anniversary in 2025.

He expected further cooperation and close ties between the Communist Party of India and the Communist Party of Vietnam to contribute positively to the development of the two countries.

Both sides affirmed their commitment to strongly support and enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and India for the benefit of their people and the prosperity of the two nations and the region.

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