Besides that, 54 out of 132 bus routes with low circulation and serving for schools, amusement parks in the city will be halted.
The department will also adjust the bus schedule with a maximum capacity of 20 passengers compared to normal days.
The buses are required to open windows, limit air condition or switch on maximum 27 degree Celsius.
The requirement is also applied for business vehicles, tour and transit buses without exceeding 50 percent of capacities.
Passengers are also recommended to keep two- meter distance with others, avoid gathering more than 10 people in a group at the bus stops, bus stations, ferries and transit stations.
The river bus routes will be also halted and similar to buses and the river tour buses must not carry maximum 20 passengers a turn without exceeding 50 percent of capacities.
Regarding taxi, transport vehicles via technology application, passengers must complete medical declaration form. The drivers are recommended to limit air condition or turn it on maximum 27 degrees Celsius.