HCMC reviews first year of Resolution 98 implementation

On August 27, the Ho Chi Minh City Steering Committee convened to review the first year of implementing Resolution 98/2023/QH15 of the National Assembly.

An overview of the meeting

On the afternoon of August 27, the Ho Chi Minh City Steering Committee convened to review the first year of implementing Resolution 98/2023/QH15 of the National Assembly on piloting specific mechanisms and policies for the city's development. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Nguyen Van Nen, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee, and Head of the Steering Committee.

In attendance were Mr. Phan Van Mai, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee, Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee, and Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le, Deputy Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee, Chairwoman of the HCMC People's Council, and Deputy Head of the Steering Committee; as well as other members of the Steering Committee.

Clarifying responsibilities, progress

At the outset of the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Van Nen, Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee, emphasized the city’s commitment and efforts in implementing Resolution 98. He pointed out that time is limited and highlighted the city's focus on executing several key tasks over the past year since the resolution was adopted. The purpose of the session was to evaluate the progress of these tasks, identify completed and outstanding work, and clarify the responsibilities of each relevant agency and unit. This will help formulate measures for continued implementation in the coming period.

Mr. Nguyen Van Nen, Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee, speaks at the meeting.

Mr. Nguyen Van Nen also called on attendees to provide updates on their assigned tasks, especially those still pending, in order to develop strategies to ensure timely and high-quality completion in the coming time.

Resolution 98 includes 44 mechanisms and policies across seven areas. The initial implementation of Resolution 98 has shown positive results, laying a solid foundation and providing significant momentum for the city's rapid, strong, and sustainable development. Some mechanisms and policies have been effectively implemented and received high social support (such as poverty reduction loans and increased incomes for officials, civil servants, and workers).

However, progress in developing and issuing plans for implementing these specific mechanisms and policies has been slow (as required by the Prime Minister and directed by the HCMC Party Committee to be completed within 2023), especially concerning policies on mobilizing and utilizing resources to fully leverage the city’s potential and strengths for rapid and robust development.

HCMC Chairman Phan Van Mai speaks at the meeting.

The implementation of mechanisms and policies issued by the HCMC People's Council or within the authority of the HCMC People's Committee has been slow and has yet to yield noticeable results.

Positive results after one year of implementation

During the meeting, Mr. Vo Van Hoan, Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee, reported on the progress of tasks related to implementing Resolution 98. Accordingly, the Prime Minister assigned 32 tasks, with 10 for ministries and 22 for HCMC.

So far, ministries have completed six of the ten tasks, while HCMC has completed ten of the 22 tasks. The HCMC People's Committee has assigned 55 tasks to various departments and proposed 37 resolutions to the People's Council to facilitate these tasks.

In investment management, HCMC has allocated over VND3.79 trillion in public investment for poverty reduction and job creation. The city has approved seven Transit Oriented Development (TOD) sites along Metro lines and issued a list of 41 investment projects in healthcare, education, and culture under public-private partnerships. Additionally, five BOT projects for upgrading, expanding, and modernizing existing roads have been approved.

Out of 12 financial and budget mechanisms, five are currently in progress. Key accomplishments include allocating VND1.5 trillion in public investment to support interest rates for projects funded by HCMC Finance and Investment State-owned Company (HFIC) in priority economic and social areas. Additionally, nearly VND11.29 trillion from the city’s salary reform budget has been designated for increased income. The city also provided VND75 billion to Dien Bien Province for various projects and assisted Cuba with ten sets of computers, 500 bicycles, and 500 tons of rice.

Mr. Vo Van Hoan, Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee, reports on the progress of tasks related to implementing Resolution 98.

As for urban management, resources, and environment mechanisms, of the 13 mechanisms in this category, HCMC has implemented seven, including reallocating 0.04 hectares of rice land for one project and approving an investment plan for a project to provide approximately 2,000 social housing units. Five units have registered to implement waste-to-energy technology transition for five facilities. Additionally, two projects have been updated to include waste-to-energy objectives.

Regarding priority sectors for attracting strategic investors to HCMC, there is one mechanism in place. The city has developed a project information disclosure template for strategic investors and is currently updating it in consultation with relevant ministries and agencies to comply with the new regulations of the 2023 Law on Bidding.

There are two mechanisms in the field of scientific and technological management and innovation, both of which HCMC is actively implementing. For supporting innovation and startups in priority areas, 48 valid applications have been received. The advisory council has selected 21 out of these 48 applications and has initially provided support to 15 of them.

The mechanisms for organizing the administrative apparatus of Thu Duc City include two categories: decentralization and delegation, and organizational structures. Thu Duc City has largely completed these mechanisms.

HCMC has ten mechanisms related to organizing its administrative apparatus. The city is currently implementing nine out of these ten mechanisms. The city has completed the establishment of new specialized agencies and the reorganization of public entities with the establishment of the Department of Food Safety and the Digital Transformation Center.

The city has also appointed one Vice Chairman of the City People's Council, one Vice Chairman of the People's Committee for Thu Duc City, one Vice Chairman of the People's Committee for the districts of Can Gio and Hoc Mon, and 51 out of 52 Vice-Chairpersons for wards, communes, and towns with populations of 50,000 or more.

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