HCMC plans to add nearly VND2,900 billion for poverty reduction

The HCMC People's Committee submitted a proposal to provide an additional allocation of nearly VND2,900 billion (US$113.7 million) for the city’s program on sustainable poverty reduction for the 2021-2025 period.

At the 17th session of the 10th tenure HCMC People's Council (Photo: SGGP)

At the 17th session of the 10th tenure HCMC People's Council held on July 15, the People's Committee of the city proposed the HCMC People's Council revise the multidimensional poverty measurement criteria, including an additional salary criterion of VND46 million (US$1,804) per person per year, and criteria for the level of deficiency in basic social services including healthcare, education, social insurance, employment, housing, daily water usage and sanitation, and information services; and indicators measuring the shortage level of basic social services, including nutrition, health insurance, adult education level, school attendance status of children, job, social insurance, dependents in the family, housing quality, housing area per capita, domestic water source, hygienic latrines, telecommunications services, means of accessing information.

Delegates attend the the 17th session of the 10th tenure HCMC People's Council (Photo: SGGP)

The HCMC People's Committee also proposed poverty thresholds for poor households, near-poor households, and households with average living standards in the 2021-2025 period.

Accordingly, people with an average income of VND46 million or less per year and lacking 3 or more indicators measuring the level of deficiency in basic social services are those certified as near-poor households. People with an average income from VND46 million to VND69 million (US$2,706) per year are those certified as households with an average standard of living.

HCMC’s program on sustainable poverty reduction for the 2021-2025 period has a total capital of VND15,144 billion (US$594 million).

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