HCMC planning realizes development aspirations

On the morning of June 12, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Minister Nguyen Chi Dung chaired a meeting of the Appraisal Council for the HCMC Planning documents for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.

Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung speaks at the meeting.

Mr. Phan Van Mai, Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee, attended the meeting.

In his opening remarks, Minister Nguyen Chi Dung highly appreciated the leadership and direction of the HCMC Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee, as well as the effective coordination among departments, agencies, and district-level People's Committees in the process of developing and finalizing the city's plan for the 2021-2030 period.

Minister Nguyen Chi Dung stated that, to date, the planning work under the national planning system has been fundamentally completed. At present, 90 out of 111 national, regional, and provincial plans have been decided or approved. Of which, the Prime Minister has given nods to 58 out of 63 provincial plans.

According to the Minister, the HCMC planning was developed and completed under favorable conditions. These include the Politburo issuing Resolution No.24-NQ/TW on economic and social development and ensuring national defense and security in the Southeast region until 2030, with a vision to 2045; Resolution No.31-NQ/TW on the direction and tasks for the development of HCMC until 2030, with a vision to 2045; the National Assembly issuing Resolution No.81/2023/QH15 on the national master plan for 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; and Resolution No.98/2023/QH15 on piloting specific mechanisms and policies for the development of HCMC.

The Prime Minister has also approved the national sector plans (especially for transport, electricity, energy, and irrigation infrastructure) and the regional plan for the Southeast region for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. These are important orientations for HCMC to transform its development aspirations into concrete actions through the city's plan for 2021-2030.

"HCMC has opted for a growth scenario of 8.5-9 percent, with the 2026-2030 period aiming for 9.5-10 percent growth. This poses a considerable challenge, especially considering the modest share of the industrial and construction sectors in the economic structure, which is expected to only reach 26.3-27.3 percent by 2030, a marginal increase from 25 percent in 2020. What breakthroughs and solutions are necessary to ensure the feasibility of this plan?" questioned Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung.

To ensure the highest quality completion of HCMC's planning dossier, the Minister suggested that members of the appraisal council and expert critics provide feedback on compliance with the Law on Planning, offer insights on planning content, consider the city's position and role within the region and nation, and identify development bottlenecks, potential, advantages, and opportunities for the city in the planning period.

An overview of the meeting

"Is the planning content robust enough, commensurate with ambitious development goals, and the significant issues and challenges that HCMC must face and overcome in the near future? What are the key focus areas and breakthroughs in the upcoming period?

Choosing a growth scenario of 8.5-9 percent, with the 2026-2030 period targeting 9.5-10 percent, poses a significant challenge. What breakthroughs and solutions are needed to ensure the feasibility of the plan, especially considering the very modest share of the industrial and construction sectors in the economic structure, projected to only reach 26.3-27.3 percent by 2030, a marginal increase from 25 percent in 2020?" emphasized the head of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

The Minister emphasized that HCMC has presented two planning documents: the planning of HCMC and the general construction planning of HCMC. These planning efforts adhere to the Law on Planning and the Law on Urban Planning, requiring alignment on key aspects such as population scale, spatial distribution, functional zoning, and urban-rural systems.

Representing HCMC's leadership at the meeting, Chairman Phan Van Mai of the HCMC People's Committee underscored the vital role of planning in shaping economic and social development plans and policies. Notably, the People's Committee has formed an expert consultancy team for urban planning, comprising leading professionals in various fields.

Seminars have been organized to gather feedback from neighboring provinces, expert teams, as well as experts and scientists from central ministries, Hanoi, and HCMC. Moreover, the process of soliciting feedback from the community, relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals on the draft planning has been conducted meticulously and in accordance with regulations.

Chairman Phan Van Mai of the HCMC People's Committee speaks at the meeting.

Accordingly, HCMC has received feedback from various agencies, organizations, and individuals, including 20 ministries and equivalent bodies, four neighboring provinces, the consultancy team for urban planning, departments, districts, and numerous other organizations and individuals.

According to Mr. Phan Van Mai, with utmost efforts to accelerate the planning process, the draft report on city planning closely adheres to and ensures alignment with the national overall planning orientation and legal documents regarding socioeconomic development and ensuring national defense and security in the Southeast region, and the direction and tasks for the development of HCMC, as well as pilots specific mechanisms and policies for its development, and most recently, the Southeast region planning for the period 2021-2030 with a vision towards 2050.

At the appraisal meeting, the city eagerly seeks feedback from Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, the members of the appraisal council, and expert critics to further enhance the city's planning dossier to swiftly present it for approval to the Prime Minister.

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