HCMC focusing on developing young, female civil servants

The HCMC Party Committee this morning convened a specialized working session to delve into the challenges, opportunities, and solutions related to developing young and female civil servants in the city.

Deputy Head Thai Thi Bich Lien of the Organization Committee is delivering her speech in the meeting

In her introductory report, Deputy Head Thai Thi Bich Lien of the Organization Committee (under the HCMC Party Committee) highlighted the ambitious development goals set forth in the 11th Congress of the HCMC Party Committee. To achieve these objectives, the city requires innovative and effective solutions. Building and enhancing the quality of human resources is a strategic priority, closely tied to the economic restructuring process, as outlined in the resolutions of the 11th and 12th Party Congresses.

She further emphasized that HCMC has implemented groundbreaking policies to attract and develop high-quality human resources, thereby enhancing the city's competitiveness and accelerating its development and integration into the global economy. A robust and capable workforce within the political system has been instrumental in effectively implementing the city's political tasks, improving governance, and better serving businesses and citizens so that the city can achieve socio-economic goals so far.

While there has been significant progress in developing young and female civil servants thanks to its top priority in the long-term goals, challenges such as a mismatch between supply and demand, and a lack of strategic planning in some organizations persist.

The meeting about solutions related to developing young and female civil servants in HCMC

Moreover, some party committees and leaders have not fully embraced the importance of civil servant planning, focusing primarily on short-term needs. Some have not yet ensured the quantity, structure, standards and conditions of this planning. Some others are still perfectionists in promoting and appointing civil servants, so there are difficulties in preparing Party committee personnel, especially young and female ones.

Lien underscored that the development of young and female civil servants is a collective responsibility of the party committee and the entire political system. The political will and commitment of party leaders at all levels are crucial.

The meeting aimed to identify solutions to further enhance the role and responsibilities of party committees in nurturing young and female civil servants, especially in preparation for upcoming party congresses in the 2025-2030 tenure.

Furthermore, the meeting explored ways to leverage the special development mechanisms outlined in Resolution 98 to address the challenges faced in developing young and female civil servants.

The meeting about solutions related to developing young and female civil servants in HCMC

Participants also discussed effective strategies to implement the City Party Standing Committee's Project 01 on supporting and developing young talents and future leaders of HCMC for the 2020-2035 period.

Young and female civil servants in HCMC for the 2020-2025 tenure:

  • The HCMC Party Committee includes 12 female members.
  • Among civil servants managed by the City Party Standing Committee, 16 are under 40 (over 2 percent) and 206 are female (26.2 percent).
  • For leaders at the department head or equivalent level, 269 are under 40 (42.9 percent) and 211 are female (33.65 percent).
  • For the 2025-2030 and 2026-2031 tenures, 1,559 young civil servants (under 35) have been planned for positions under the direct management of the City Party Committee and its sub-units, and 20 young ones (under 40) have been planned for positions under the management of the City Party Standing Committee.

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