HCMC Chairman: Military environment school to train young men

Chairman Phan Van Mai of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee said that the military environment is a good school to train young men.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam ( standing ) at this morning's meeting

He made the statement at this morning’s meeting convened by the Ho Chi Minh City Military Service Council. Chairman Phan Van Mai is also the Chairman of the city’s Military Service Council.

This year, Ho Chi Minh City was assigned to recruit 4,906 young people to join the military force including 3,956 young people participating in military service and 950 young people participating in people's police service.

During the first session of the Ho Chi Minh City Military Service Council, a few representatives of some districts in Ho Chi Minh City moaned about encountering difficulties in meeting police service quotas, but the quota is now met and the quality of young people preparing to enlist is quite high.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam who is Commander of the Ho Chi Minh City Command cum Permanent Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Military Service Council said that up to now, the results of selecting and calling citizens to join the army and the work of preparing for military service have no change.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam assessed the political quality and professional qualifications of Ho Chi Minh City youth preparing to enlist this year as very high in the formation of 9 provinces and cities under Military Region 7. Specifically, 108 of them are party members while 48 percent of the total number of enlisted citizens have university, college, or intermediate degrees. There are no young people with poor health condition.

Speaking in conclusion, Chairman Phan Van Mai said that in the coming time, the Military Service Council of Ho Chi Minh City, districts, and Thu Duc City need to manage and handle issues relating to the recruitment of young men into the military force.

He requested that members of the Ho Chi Minh City Military Service Council monitor the area closely and understand the situation by working closely with chairpersons of people's committees of districts, and Thu Duc City.

The Chairman emphasized that members of the military service council need to understand the thoughts, feelings, and family circumstances of young people to promptly handle arising problems.

Regarding preparations for the ceremony of handing over and receiving troops, the Ho Chi Minh City Command and the forces will inspect the preparations with the assistance of the police force to ensure security and order, and the medical force to coordinate to ensure the health of privates.

Chairman Phan Van Mai also requested the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the Veterans Association of Ho Chi Minh City and mass organizations to participate together in the recruitment of young men to join the military force.

The Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee emphasized that responsible agencies should take heed to train young men to be a core force in each district after they finish their military service obligation period. Young people should consider the military environment as a school. After 2 years of training, Ho Chi Minh City will have quality human resources for localities.

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