HCMC bans officials from going on overseas trips sponsored by firms

Ho Chi Minh City has a strict ban in place that prevents officials from going on overseas trips organized and sponsored by enterprises.

The Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee has just issued Regulation 2184 on the management of staff, civil servants, and public employees going abroad.

The Standing Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee has just issued the Regulation 2184 on the management of staff, civil servants, and public employees going abroad.

Taking effect from September 16, the regulation applies to officials who are subject to temporary exit suspension, those restricted from international travel in accordance with the law governing the exit and entry of Vietnamese citizens, personnel responsible for or related to inspection contents at agencies, those undergoing disciplinary review, suspended from their duties.

Moreover, the city has prohibited officials from traveling abroad if they are facing criminal charges, serving a sentence, or involved in unresolved civil or economic disputes.

The Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee firmly forbids traveling abroad without prior authorization from the appropriate governing body or competent authority. It also prohibits any dishonesty in declaring the purpose of international travel and the use of state funds for personal travel purposes.

The Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee’s Regulation 2184 also sets out the principles for approving overseas trips. In particular, the selection, assignment, and permission of officials to go abroad must be based on truly necessary requirements to save money as well as ensure security, national secrets, and secrets of the agencies they have worked for.

Civil servants’ travel to foreign countries must not negatively affect the performance of official duties of their agencies and organizations.

Civil servants are permitted by relevant authorities to undertake official travel abroad a maximum of two times annually. In exceptional circumstances where more than two official trips abroad are necessary, prior approval from the competent authorities is required, who will also assume responsibility for the decision.

Furthermore, the City Party Committee emphasized that two principal leaders from any agency, unit, or locality should not be designated to participate in a foreign working delegation unless they receive consideration and authorization from the appropriate authorities. Additionally, staff seeking to travel abroad for personal reasons must adhere to established labor regulations.

If an officer's presence is required during a trip to execute a contract or project established with a partner, they must clearly explain the source of funding for the trip in addition to the fundamental information transparently to relevant authorities which will consider the case and make a decision on it.

The Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee also outlines the responsibilities of individuals, agencies, and organizations that have been granted the authority to review and approve the sending of officers abroad. Specifically, Party committees at all levels, along with the heads of agencies and units, are tasked with reviewing and assessing to ensure that the processes of review and approval for sending and permitting officers to travel abroad remain within the scope of their delegated and authorized powers.

Organizations and individuals authorized to make decisions regarding the dispatch of groups and individuals overseas are required to exercise frugality and eliminate waste when undertaking business trips funded by the state budget. It is imperative that these entities ensure the practicality and effectiveness of such trips and are accountable for reimbursing the budget for any expenditures that violate legal provisions.

Furthermore, officials who are permitted to travel abroad must adhere to the established regulations. Upon their return, they are obligated to submit a report to the head of the delegation within seven working days.

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