Exhibition on Hanoi heritage sites celebrates UNESCO heritage recognition

An exhibition themed "A Glimpse of Heritage" opened at Hoa Lo Prison Relic in Hanoi on July 1 to celebrate the 25th anniversary since the capital was awarded the title "City for Peace" by UNESCO (July 16, 1999-2024).

An exhibition themed "A Glimpse of Heritage" opened at Hoa Lo Prison Relic in Hanoi on July 1 to celebrate the 25th anniversary since the capital was awarded the title "City for Peace" by UNESCO (July 16, 1999-2024). (Photo: hanoi.gov.vn)

Exhibits include documents and photos of 25 historical and cultural relics, revolution relic sites, and places where historical events occurred in the capital.

The display aims to pay tribute to generations of officials, soldiers, and people for their great contributions and heroic sacrifices during the struggles for the nation's independence and freedom as well as the construction of Hanoi, the “City for Peace."

Viewers will have an opportunity to explore many French colonial architectural landmarks that are recognized national heritage sites, such as the Grand Palais or Grand Palais de l'Exposition, also known as Dau Xao area, which was an exhibition and trade fair complex in Hanoi; Hanoi People's Court; the relic house at No.90 Jean Soler Street, now known as Tho Nhuom Street where the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Tran Phu wrote the draft of the Party political thesis in 1930; the relic house at No.5D Dourdart de Lagreé Avenue, now known as Ham Long street, where the first Communist cell was established; the relic house at No.101 Gambetta street, now known as Tran Hung Dao street, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Military Commission of Hanoi in August 1945.

The exhibition will run until September 15.

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