Laos-Viet Friendship High School in Vientiane in Laos, organized a contest on the life and career of the late President Ho Chi Minh on May 11.
The event attracted over 700 pupils from the 6th to 12th grade, together with teachers and representatives of education departments and agencies.
Four teams representing the 700 pupils of the school joined the contest.
The contest conducted in Vietnamese language included a multiple-choice test on Uncle Ho’s biography and a singing contest in which competitors sang songs about Uncle Ho.
According to the school management board, the contest was aimed to help pupils learn more about the great life and times of late President Ho Chi Minh.
The contest also created conditions for students to practice and improve their Vietnamese language and achieve good results in their studies.
The pupils proved they were all deserving of the affections given by the Vietnamese Party, Government and citizens of Vietnam.
Laos-Viet Friendship High School, which became operational in 2010, was a present from Nong Duc Manh, former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, to the people of Laos.
The school has three floors with 21 classrooms and can seat about 800 pupils. The school is well equipped with all the necessary tools for teaching, study, play and physical exercise.