30 Vietnamese students receive full post grad scholarships in New Zealand

The New Zealand Embassador in Vietnam yesterday announced 30 Vietnamese  winners of the full postgraduate scholarships in 2016 at  a farewell party.

The New Zealand Embassador in Vietnam yesterday announced 30 Vietnamese  winners of the full postgraduate scholarships in 2016 at  a farewell party.

Scholarship winners will be provided with travel fares, tuition and living and travel expense  during the course in New Zealand. Full post-graduate scholarships are offered  for all candidates of all majors especially agricultural technologies, disaster management and state and private company management.

So far, over 200 Vietnamese students have been awarded the scholarships. The New Zealand Embassador in Vietnam said that it is receiving application for the next year scholarship. The dead line for submiting the application is April 30, 2016.

Further information of the scholarships is on the website: www.mfat.govt.nz/en/aid-and-development/scholarships/

Candidates can find out more information by sending an email to nzembassy.hanoi@mft.net.nz

Updated information of the scholarships and useful information provided by scholarship winner will be shared on the Embassy’s official Facebook www.facebook.com/nzembassyvietnam

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