Vietnam to build strong workforce for semiconductor industry

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long signed Decision No. 1017/QĐ-TTg approving a program promoting human resources development for the semiconductor industry until 2030 with a vision to 2050.

Vietnam will develop a 50,000-strong workforce for the semiconductor industry. (Photo: SGGP)

Under the project, Vietnam aims to train at least 50,000 engineers and workers with bachelor's degrees to serve the semiconductor industry in all stages of the value chain by the end of 2030.

By 2050, Vietnam will have a skilled workforce to join the global semiconductor industry value chain and meet the development of the country's semiconductor industry.

The government will examine specific mechanisms and policies to promote cooperation among state agencies, educational establishments, and businesses; salary and employee bonus policies to attract domestic talents, Vietnamese citizens working abroad, and international experts in the semiconductor and artificial intelligence (AI) industries to work in Vietnam.

There will be tax incentives, support for long-term work visas, the streamlining of administrative procedures for international experts, and education, healthcare, social welfare, and accommodation assistance for high-skilled personnel and senior experts.

The government will also upgrade and modernize semiconductor laboratories at 18 public universities and educational facilities of higher education, including the Vietnam National Innovation Center, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City – VNU-HCM; grant scholarships to students and employees who are studying talent development programs, courses and programs in semiconductor following requirements of institutes of higher education.

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