Various activities carried out for development of comics in Vietnam

The French Institute in Vietnam has carried out various activities for the development of comics in Vietnam.

Various activities are carried out for development of comics in Vietnam

These activities were held within the framework of the FEF - Creativity project and the Regional Cultural - Creative Industry project ‘The comics industry in Vietnam and Cambodia: connecting French expertise’.

Specifically, from September 23 to 27, the French Institute in Vietnam and Kim Dong Publishing House planned to organize a Master-class (instructional class) on comic creation under the guidance of famous French and Vietnamese artists.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to showcase a comic project consisting of 6 to 10 pages that could potentially be published. The primary focus of the program is on leveraging the foundational aspects of art and nurturing creativity, while also broadening the capacity to utilize graphics and storytelling.

Among the 58 candidates, 12 young talents from across the country were selected by the French-Vietnamese jury.

In addition, there are plans for multiple workshops and practical tutorials centered around translating and creating comics. The discussion will cover various engaging subjects such as the latest developments, recognitions, and popular works in France, along with a look at the wide range of French comic genres for different age groups: from imaginative stories to factual accounts, and even reimagined classics.

Participants will be instructed by renowned French and Vietnamese comic artists. Five Vietnamese and Cambodian publishers, as well as a number of exceptional comic artists, will be invited to participate in the Festival d'Angoulême, the world's largest French-language comic festival by reputation and scale.

Through this event, participants will have a chance to learn more about the richness of French comics as well as the growing economic potential of this field.

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