Org, people not implementing dengue prevention measures to receive penalties

Organizations and individuals that do not strictly implement preventive measures against infectious diseases will receive penalties, said Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Duong Anh Duc.
Vice Chairman Duong Anh Duc pays a visit to a company with water-filled containers for supervision (Photo: SGGP)

Vice Chairman Duong Anh Duc pays a visit to a company with water-filled containers for supervision (Photo: SGGP)

Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Duong Anh Duc and the delegation yesterday paid visits to several sites in Thu Duc City to check on the prevention of dengue fever.

The delegation paid a visit to An Loc Kindergarten in Thu Duc City’s Hiep Binh Chanh Ward, and the inspection team noted that the school carried out well the prevention of infectious diseases.

According to the school, rooms, equipment, and toys for children are cleaned and disinfected by the school twice a week, so from the beginning of the year until now, no children have been diagnosed with dengue fever or hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD).

However, an abandoned land of a company in the ward is full of construction waste in dilapidated houses with water-filled containers where dengue mosquito usually lays their eggs.

The delegation pays a visit to An Loc Kindergarten in Thu Duc City’s Hiep Binh Chanh Ward (Photo: SGGP)
The delegation pays a visit to An Loc Kindergarten in Thu Duc City’s Hiep Binh Chanh Ward (Photo: SGGP)

Chairman of the People's Committee of Hiep Binh Chanh Ward Nguyen Ngoc Tuan said that in addition to the abandoned land of the company, the 25-ha regulatory lake project and the 47-ha Binh Trieu Station project have been planned for many years but are slow to implement.

Moreover, about 1,000 deteriorated rooms for rent have been built for a long time. Since the beginning of the year, the locality has recorded 119 Covid-19 cases, 66 cases of dengue down 61 percent over the same period in 2022 and 86 cases of HFMD.

In the past 4 weeks, the ward has not recorded the number of new cases; this is an encouraging signal for the locality to continue stepping up measures to prevent infectious diseases, said Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan.

According to Vice Chairman of Thu Duc City People's Committee Nguyen Ky Phung, from the beginning of 2023 until now, Thu Duc City has recorded 92 outbreaks with 1,037 dengue cases, down 48 percent over the same period in 2022 and 672 cases of hand, foot and mouth.

Worryingly, in June, 414 additional cases of hand, foot and mouth were recorded, an increase of 266 percent compared to May. Worse, of 950 high-risk venues for dengue in Thu Duc City, 637 places were under monitor, but there were ten new sites.

Thu Duc City People's Committee Vice Chairman moaned that Thu Duc has a large area with more immigrants. Some households still store water in jars and lakes to use for breeding and watering ornamental plants which creates conditions conducive for mosquito breeding and survival in the long term.

Meanwhile, some wards have not been drastic in the fight against the diseases so they have not imposed administrative fines on violating organizations and individuals that have not strictly implemented epidemic prevention and control according to the Government’s Decree No. 117/2020/ND-CP. Last but not least, local administrations are short of personnel to carry out epidemic prevention and control work in residential quarters.

Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Duong Anh Duc assessed that Thu Duc City's prevention of dengue, HFMD and Covid-19 epidemics was quite good and infectious diseases were controlled; however, a few city dwellers still have negligent behaviors in the prevention task of the diseases.

Vice Chairman Duong Anh Duc proposed to issue tough punishment on organizations and individuals that do not strictly implement the prevention of infectious diseases; simultaneously, good ways to fight the disease in some localities should be hailed and replicated.

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