Officials to investigate shoddy home daycare

Authorities in Ho Chi Minh City will soon launch an investigation into a home-run daycare that looks after 15 young children and measures just 10 square meters.

Authorities in Ho Chi Minh City will soon launch an investigation into a home-run daycare that looks after 15 young children and measures just 10 square meters.

Children stand in the doorway of a makeshift 10-square-meter nursery in District 6, HCMC. Neighbors say up to 15 young children of poor laborers are housed here daily. (Photo: SGGP)
Children stand in the doorway of a makeshift 10-square-meter nursery in District 6, HCMC. Neighbors say up to 15 young children of poor laborers are housed here daily. (Photo: SGGP)

Neighbors say most children are aged 1-3 and spend hours in the crowded makeshift house made from corrugated iron and bricks. Most of their parents are poor laborers who can’t afford better care, the neighbors add.

The daycare, located in Ward 14 of District 6, is operated by Ms. Hoa who reportedly charges VND400,000-700,000 a month for each child.

Residents say that Ms. Hoa is often seen scolding or beating the children and that their cries can be heard especially loud during mealtimes.

In addition, the house is located in a long and narrow alley, which would make escape extremely difficult in case of a fire.

The small yard in front of the house is always wet and slippery, residents say, as it is used for washing clothes and dishes.

Ward 14 officials will visit the home to investigate as soon as possible, said Luong Thanh Truc, deputy chairwoman of the ward People’s Committee.

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