HCMC ready to implement electronic student academic records

Schools in Ho Chi Minh City are ready to implement electronic student academic records. In the 2023-2024 school year, Ho Chi Minh City will pilot the implementation of electronic student records for all first-graders.

Schools in HCMC are ready to implement electronic student academic records

Electronic student academic records will pave the way for the implementation of e-report cards for all grades in primary and secondary education. According to the plan, all grades will have electronic student academic records by the 2025-2026 school year.

At Tran Hung Dao Primary School in District 1, since the end of April 2024, the school has coordinated with a telecommunications company to organize training on building electronic student academic records for all teachers.

Teacher Tran Quoc Long Xuyen at Tran Hung Dao Primary School said that the implementation of electronic student records does not cause difficulties for teachers because, in the past, data on student assessment results has been updated on the common database of the education sector. Currently, all teachers in the school have updated their digital signatures.

Similarly, the data update of student records for more than 1,000 students at Tu Duc Primary School in Thu Duc City has been completed.

According to Principal Do Thi Tu of Tu Duc Primary School, electronic student records help the school save time, and costs and improve management efficiency. She revealed that previously, signing each paper student record book took a lot of time for management staff and teachers. When implementing electronic records, with just one click, she and other principals can sign all student academic records in the school at once.

To implement electronic student academic records, according to Deputy Head Le Thi Xinh of Thu Duc City School Education and Training Department, schools must update digital signatures for all teachers and management staff, and at the same time review student personal information and learning results data on the system.

Based on the regulations on the implementation of electronic student academic records issued by the HCMC Department of Education and Training, the implementation is carried out simultaneously at all schools.

Deputy Director of the HCMC Department of Education and Training Nguyen Bao Quoc informed that the HCMC Department of Education and Training will support localities and educational institutions in terms of technology and answer questions during the implementation of electronic student records.

Previously, the education and training sector had made thorough preparations, from disseminating propaganda of electronic student academic records to building a software system and regulations to ensure the safety and security requirements for student information data.

According to the implementation roadmap, in the 2023-2024 school year, HCMC will pilot the implementation of electronic student records for 132,000 first-graders. In the 2024-2025 school year, sixth graders will have electronic student academic records, and at the same time, all student record data for primary and secondary school students will be digitized. In the 2025-2026 school year, electronic student records will be implemented for 10th graders and all student record data for high school students will be digitized.

This is one of the contents of the implementation of the Project ‘Developing population data applications, identification and electronic authentication to serve national digital transformation in the period 2022-2025 with a vision to 2030’ of the city's education and training sector.

According to Chief Ho Tan Minh of the Office of the HCMC Department of Education and Training, data on learners, their scores, academic performance results and training results of students are updated for each subject, and grade to ensure consistency and completeness of information. After completing the database, the HCMC electronic student record data management system is connected to the Ministry of Education and Training's electronic student record data management system and the common database of the entire education and training sector.

Electronic student records are used to replace paper student records in administrative procedures related to students' learning activities. If necessary, electronic student records can be printed out and certified by the educational institution issuing student records or copied records from electronic documents according to regulations; therefore, electronic student records’ legal values are equivalent to paper student records.

The HCMC Department of Education and Training will strictly handle illegal activities such as falsification, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure of students' personal information, and unhealthy operation in the exploitation and use of data on electronic student records.

Electronic student records are identified by students' identification codes. Educational institutions issuing the student record are the only unit authorized to modify and they are responsible for the content of the student's record, ensuring the requirements of information safety and security with a permanent record storage time, said Mr. Ho Tan Minh, Chief of Office of the HCMC Department of Education and Training.

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