The conference was attended by the city’s senior leaders, including Politburo Member, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen; Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee and Chairwoman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council Nguyen Thi Le; Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee and Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Phuoc Loc along with members of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and leaders of departments, districts and Thu Duc City.

As reported by Van Thi Bach Tuyet, member of the Standing Committee and Head of the Organization Commission of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee, presented the core contents of Conclusions No.121, No.126 and No.127 issued by the Politburo and the Secretariat. Additionally, she provided updates during the progress of the implementation in Ho Chi Minh City.
On January 24, 2025, the 13th Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam issued Conclusion 121-KL/TW, summarizing Resolution 18-NQ/TW from the 12th Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. This resolution focuses on further renewing and streamlining the organizational structure of the political system to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency.

The move must follow the principles, goals and requirements according to the conclusions from the Party Central Executive Committee, Politburo, Secretariat and the Central Steering Committee for summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18.
The Politburo and the Secretariat requested to study the orientation of merging some provincial-level administrative units, abolishing district-level administrative units and merging several commune-level administrative units; carrying out a two-level local government model including Party organizations, government agencies and corporations such as youth unions, fatherland front committees and trade unions to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
The process of restructuring and streamlining the organizational apparatus must ensure regular and continuous operation of agencies and organizations without interruption for the activities of the Party, State, people and businesses.

Regarding the content of Conclusion No.126, the Politburo and the Secretariat requested to study the orientation for eliminating intermediate administrative levels (district-level governments) and merging some provincial-level administrative units.
Additionally, they stress the importance of political and ideological support for affected officials and proper policy implementation for those impacted by the restructuring.

As for the content of Conclusion No. 127, the Politburo and the Secretariat asked that tasks must ensure principles, goals and requirements according to conclusions of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Central Steering Committee for summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18.
The Politburo and the Secretariat requested to study the orientation for merging some provincial-level administrative units, eliminating intermediate administrative levels (district-level governments) and several commune-level administrative units; carrying out a two-level local government.

The restructuring must be conducted objectively, democratically and scientifically, eliminate overlapping functions and intermediate administrative levels, and enhance the Party's leadership role and governance capacity to meet the requirements of the new stage.