HCMC paves way to improve efficiency with new administrative center

HCMC is preparing for a one-stop administrative service center independent from administrative boundaries to streamline procedures, improve efficiency, and enhance citizen satisfaction.


In June 2024, Nguyen Van Tan from Binh Thanh District had to make multiple trips from his district to District 12 to complete the land use right certificate procedure after purchasing a plot of land in Hiep Thanh Ward of District 12. Although the administrative procedures were carried out online and the processing time was shortened, he still had to travel back and forth between the two districts to complete the procedures and receive the results.

Other administrative procedures in other areas related to land, construction, or planning at the one-stop shop (OSS) units of departments and localities are seeing bottlenecks, affecting the progress of document processing and causing inconvenience to people. These shortcomings will be addressed when the HCMC Administrative Service Center is piloted.

It is expected that at the 18th session of the 10th HCMC People's Council today, the HCMC People's Committee will submit to the HCMC People's Council for consideration the Pilot Project on Establishing the HCMC Administrative Service Center.

According to the proposal, the pilot period for establishing the Center will be from October 1, 2024, to the end of 2026. The Center will receive administrative procedures that are not dependent on administrative boundaries, reducing the number of OSS while effectively implementing the digitization, exploitation, and reuse of digitized data.

The Administrative Service Center model has been piloted in Thu Duc City for over a year and has played the role of the sole contact point for receiving and resolving administrative procedures. In particular, through the delegation mechanism, many administrative procedures have been allowed to handle at one place, shortening the processing time.

This valuable experience is a great help in the establishment of similar centers at the municipal People’s Committee and its 22 sub-level ones at all districts as well as 24 receiving points of state departments, and 312 receiving points at communes and wards. Thu Duc City has additional tasks, and the director of the Administrative Service Center is authorized to sign documents by the Chairman of the Thu Duc City People’s Committee.

Citizens are coming for administrative procedures at the OSS unit of the District 5 People’s Committee (Photo: SGGP)

Currently, HCMC has 352 OSS at all levels, including 18 at the departmental level, 22 at the district level, and 312 at the commune level. The direct receipt and processing of administrative procedures at OSS have achieved many positive results but have also exposed limitations, leading an urgent demand to renovate this model to suit the administrative reform. This will lay a basic foundation to implement online, inter-connected, and borderless administrative procedures in receiving and handling administrative procedures for individuals and businesses.

The piloted Administrative Service Center is supposed to improve the service quality and satisfaction of organizations and individuals in accessing and carrying out administrative procedures to a minimum of 95 percent, with all administrative procedures being publicized and transparent.

Via this center, HCMC also wants to continue to restructure processes, simplify administrative procedures, and reduce the components of dossiers that have used population data while reducing costs and time to process administrative procedures.

"The essence of the Center is to offer administrative services, not simply to handle pure administrative procedures. The Center operates on the principle of putting people and businesses at the center, and taking the satisfaction of organizations and individuals as a measure of service quality and efficiency," said Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan.

At the 18th session of the 10th HCMC People's Council today, in addition to the pilot project to establish the city’s Administrative Service Center, the HCMC People's Council considers approving the policy of supporting interest rates for projects that have been approved by the HCMC People's Committee to participate in the HCMC investment stimulus program but have not yet been allocated funds.

The session also considers regulations on the level of special support for regular operating costs for the city’s people’s procuratorate, people's court, civil enforcement agency, and Foreign Affairs Department. Simultaneously, there will be considerations for the regulations on the proportion of revenue retained to create a source of salary reform for units with large revenues managed by the Department of Health; regulations on swallow farming areas in HCMC.

Three phases of piloting the HCMC Administrative Service Center

  • Phase 1 (October 1 – December 31, 2024): Establish organizational apparatus; prioritize investment in technology development; build an internal governance framework; organize state management activities on administrative procedure control.
  • Phase 2 (January 1 – December 31, 2025): Receive and provide results of multi-sectoral and multi-field administrative procedure settlement that is not dependent on administrative boundaries in a number of administrative procedures, increasing accessibility and exploitation of public services for people.
  • Phase 3 (January 1 – December 31, 2026): Perfect the organizational apparatus of the Administrative Service Center towards streamlining, reducing intermediate levels, operating effectively and efficiently.

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