HCMC honors 116 awards for works emulating President Ho Chi Minh

During this event, the organizers presented a total of 116 awards for the creation and promotion of literary, artistic, and journalistic works.
Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee, congratulates the award-winning authors.

Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee, congratulates the award-winning authors.

On the evening of October 25, the HCMC Party Committee's Propaganda and Education Board held an award ceremony for the creation and promotion of literary, artistic, and journalistic works related to the theme "Studying and Following the Ideals, Morality, and Style of President Ho Chi Minh" in HCMC, Phase 1, during the 2021-2025 period.

Present at the event were Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Loc, Deputy Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee cum Head of the Organizing Committee of the HCMC Party Committee, and Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Member of the City Party Committee's Standing Committee cum Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee.

Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee, speaks at the award ceremony.

Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee, speaks at the award ceremony.

According to Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, over the course of more than two years of implementation, the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee received 301 contest entries.

The Head of the Propaganda and Education Board also aspires that building on the current results, the city will produce an increasing number of highly valuable works in terms of ideology and art, as well as a sense of pride as citizens of the city which carries the name of Ho Chi Minh. These results will contribute to activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the National Reunification and will play a vital role in the development of Vietnamese literature, art, and journalism.

During this event, the organizers presented a total of 116 awards for the creation and promotion of literary, artistic, and journalistic works centered around the theme "Studying and Following the Ideals, Morality, and Style of President Ho Chi Minh", Phase 1, for the 2021-2025 period. Out of these awards, 87 were granted to professionals, including nine A prizes, 13 B prizes, 12 C prizes, and 20 consolation prizes, while 29 were designated for nonprofessionals.

The SGGP Newspaper received the A prize for their work titled "Khong gian van hoa Ho Chi Minh – Khoi day khat vong cong hien” (Ho Chi Minh's Cultural Space - Igniting the Aspiration for Devotion), written by the team of Van Minh, Thai Phuong, and Thu Huong, along with a consolation prize for the work "Thay loi cho dan thi lam” (Doing What's Beneficial for the People) by Thai Phuong and Thu Huong.

At this event, the Propaganda Department of the HCMC Party Committee also honored 34 works, including five from groups and one from an individual, which received awards for their contributions to the creation and promotion of literary, artistic, and journalistic works on the theme "Studying and Following the Ideals, Morality, and Style of President Ho Chi Minh" from 2021 to 2023. These awards were organized by the Central Propaganda and Education Commission.

Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee, presents the A prize to Architect Nguyen Truong Luu.

Mr. Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, Head of the Propaganda and Education Board of the HCMC Party Committee, presents the A prize to Architect Nguyen Truong Luu.

Mr. Lam Dinh Thang, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, presents awards to the authors.

Mr. Lam Dinh Thang, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, presents awards to the authors.

At the event

At the event

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