HCMC accelerates backlog clearance for real estate tax applications

After the HCMC People’s Committee released its decision to allow agencies to use the old land price list for calculating taxes on real estates, tax bureaus are working diligently to process the application backlog.

City dwellers do tax-related procedures at the Thu Duc City Tax Division on September 24 (Photo: SGGP)

On September 24, at the Thu Duc District Tax Division, the reception – result delivery area was quite crowded. Vo Thu Tra, a real estate agent in Thu Duc City, happily shared that she had just had two ‘stuck’ dossiers processed since early August 2024. Thu Duc City currently has the largest number of pending tax documents, at nearly 2,000. The local authority will prioritize processing these for citizens as soon as possible, and it is expected to take 10 to 14 days.

At the Go Vap District Tax Division on September 24, nearly 20 people came to complete procedures and inquire about the status of their applications. Right at the reception area, the tax authority had posted a notice of the schedule for returning real estate dossiers.

The head of the Go Vap District Tax Division said that this public posting is to ensure transparency and allow people to know in advance when they receive their papers. The unit will increase the number of staff in the real estate pre-registration section to speed up the processing of the remaining real estate dossiers. The Go Vap District Tax Division currently has a backlog of 986 tax documents, 789 of which are subject to tax and the remainder are exempt (gifts, inheritance).

Since August 1, the Binh Thanh District Tax Division has accumulated a backlog of nearly 300 applications, mostly registration dossiers related to transfers, gifts, and inheritances that incur financial obligations. After receiving instructions from the HCMC Tax Department, the unit has mobilized all staff in the real estate pre-registration section to work on processing these dossiers, even on Sundays.

Deputy Director Nguyen Tien Dung of the HCMC Tax Department informed that from August 1 – September 21, the tax authority received 15,800 backlogged land dossiers in the area. After the HCMC People's Committee approved the use of the old land price list according to Decision No.2, the tax authority has processed a portion of them; however, there are still over 10,000 papers that are being handled according to the procedure.

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