Kret Krot village in the Central Highlands Province of Gia Lai’s Mang Yang District has about 177 households and 978 inhabitants. This is a key area for political security. Residents in the village are mainly ethnic minorities with low educational levels; therefore, illiterate people are easily taken advantage of by bad people. In the past, bad people enticed people to join the evil Ha Mon religion. The government fought against the bad religion and abolished it.
Throughout the past time, the Party Committee and local authorities have always paid attention and wholeheartedly taken care of the lives of inhabitants who are interested in doing business and developing the economy; therefore, their lives are gradually better.
Recently, at the end of December 2023, Hra Commune Police opened a love class to eliminate illiteracy and raise awareness for people. In addition to teaching literature, policemen also disseminate policies to care for ethnic minorities, and do business. Indigenous people gradually love their country more and strive to unite and work together to build a strong and prosperous homeland.
Classes are held in the village, in a spacious school. Every week, the commune police will take classes twice a week. Every 7 p.m., after dinner, Ba Na people walk to attend the special class.
Police officer Lieutenant Le Tuan Thanh in Hra Commune and representatives from the village Communist Youth Union were seen to come to each household mobilizing people to participate in the special class taught by him. Lieutenant Thanh smiled brightly and warmly greeted the people before inviting them to join the class. In response, people warmly shook hands and promised to see each other in class.
According to Lieutenant Le Tuan Thanh, the class will be held at the end of December 2023. When the opening ceremony was held, a large number of people eagerly attended. The police gave gifts of books, notebooks, and chalk to help people study. Some 40 people are participating in the free class, most of them are women and teenagers. These are people who leave school early or have not been exposed to class. They were taught the basic first-grade program in addition to watching videos about the Party and State's policies in taking care of ethnic minority people and national unity policy. The video presentations mainly focus on good models of business doing, prosperous villages as well as identifying the tricks of enticing and deceiving hostile forces to prevent them.
Among the 40 people participating in the class, 26 years 26-year-old woman named Venh was considered the most improved learner, knowing how to write her name after just a few lessons. She revealed that in her childhood, she couldn’t go to class; illiterate people suffer more loss than others. So she immediately registered to take part in the special class.
According to her, police officers taught her to read and write; show videos about the country's beautiful scenery, and instruct how to raise livestock and cultivate effectively. The lectures are illustrated through clips so they are easy to understand. In just a few shifts, she already knows how to write her name and gain more knowledge about the law.