Dengue fever in Ha Tinh Province successfully controlled

The Ha Tinh Provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC) officially announced on August 26 morning that the dengue fever in the province has been successfully controlled.


Upon detecting the dengue fever outbreak in Ky Loi Commune, Ky Anh Town, the Ha Tinh Provincial Center for Disease Control promptly directed the Ky Anh Town Health Center to collaborate with local authorities and residents in taking preventive measures to control and spread the risk of the outbreak.

The functional forces made their efforts in a campaign on killing mosquitoes and mosquito larvae, spraying chemicals, environmental sanitation, covering all water containers, waste collection and clearing drainage systems in residential areas, households and high-risk areas.

Additionally, medical staff promptly took patients with dengue fever to health facilities to treat as well as prevent further spread of the disease.

After 14 days since the outbreak, the commune has not recorded new cases of dengue fever yet and the outbreak has been successfully controlled.

All 35 previously- infected patients have been treated and recovered.

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