HCMC Technical and Economic College this year expects to welcome 2,900 new students for its 21 training majors in the levels of elementary, intermediate, and college. Besides digitalizing its current learning materials, launching marketing campaigns to reach more potential learners, it has organized many consultation sessions for high school students in HCMC and its neighboring provinces.
Meanwhile, Thu Duc College of Technology is implementing IT to post announcements, video clips about its admission information on popular media channels like its official website, YouTube, Zalo, Facebook, TikTok. It also actively works with businesses to ensure the output for its graduates, in hope of attracting more learners.
HCMC Vocational College is the only one in the city allowed by the General Directorate of Vocational Training to train and issue the passing certificate for ‘National Vocational Skill Assessment’ (in 10 majors), ‘Qualifying for occupational safety and health training activities’. Any employers recruiting laborers with these certificates will spend no more money on training.
Other vocational schools in HCMC are offering new and unconventional majors. For instance, Bach Khoa Saigon College launches the agricultural electronics major, Vien Dong College the hospital administration major, A-Au Career Center the digital marketing and media production management majors.
Now that universities are using more admission methods based on the results of either an entrance exam, academic report, or both of them, it seems that vocational schools might encounter more difficulties in attracting sufficient learners for the new school year.
Head of the Vocational Training Division (the HCMC Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs) Dang Minh Su stated that by carrying out a digital transformation process, investing billions of VND in upgrading teaching facilities, and cooperating with businesses to ensure the output for graduates, vocational schools like Ly Tu Trong College, Thu Duc College of Technology, HCMC Vocational College, HCMC College of Economics now own certain advantages when marketing themselves.
HCMC People’s Committee has just issued a plan to implement Directive No.24/CT-TTg by the Prime Minister on promoting the development of skilled human resources to improve labor productivity and increase the national competitiveness.
Accordingly, the city will greatly boost joint training, re-training, and advanced training of human resources to improve the performance and scale of VET. Graduates from VET possess strong professional knowledge, digital skills, soft skills, startup skills, and language skills.
HCMC encourages businesses to offer salary based on skills and practice capacity; to employ workers who have been trained or have obtained national certificates of vocational skills.
The city will prioritize budget allocation for VET activities in the total budget expenditure for education and training; have a plan to attract and prioritize the use of ODA capital to invest in vocational training institutions.