Students’ radiant smiles in newly-built schools

Students’ radiant smiles were seen in newly-built schools when Thu Duc City and 21 districts have taken substantial steps to expand school sizes, aiming to alleviate student overcrowding in classes and enhance the overall quality of education.

The 2024-2025 school year is significant for completing important educational projects and programs in Ho Chi Minh City. Thu Duc City and 21 districts are making substantial efforts to expand school sizes, with a goal to reduce student overcrowding and improve the overall quality of education.

Students’ radiant smiles in newly-built schools

As the construction project with the largest investment capital among the 7 new school projects put into use in the 2024-2025 school year of Binh Tan District, Binh Tri Dong B Secondary School in Binh Tri Dong B Ward was inaugurated in the great joy of parents and students in the new school year. Previously, Binh Tri Dong B Ward did not have a secondary school, students in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 had to study in neighboring wards.

Student Tran Nam Khanh expressed his excitement at studying at the new spacious school saying that the school campus is so large, the classrooms are equipped with many modern facilities, so he as well as his classmates are very excited to start the new school year.

During the 2024-2025 academic year, Binh Tri Dong B Secondary School aims to advance its development by adopting an internationally integrated model.

Head Ngo Van Tuyen of the Department of Education and Training for Binh Tan District announced that this school year will see the launch of five new primary schools, one kindergarten, and one secondary school in the area. This marks the most significant increase in classroom numbers for Binh Tan District in the last decade. The addition of these classrooms will help to lower the student-to-class ratio and increase the proportion of students participating in two shifts a day.

Similarly, the construction of new Nguyen Thai Binh Secondary School in District 6’s Ward 10 has a total investment of nearly VND162 billion. Upon commencing operations, the school features 40 classrooms and functional areas, along with a football field and a multi-purpose gymnasium.

Head Luu Hong Uyen of the Division of Education and Training of District 6 said that in the first school year, after the inauguration, the school received students from grades 6, 7, and 8. Of which, students in grades 7 and 8 were transferred from schools in neighboring areas to ensure that all students study two shifts a day, with a class size of no more than 45 students.

In District 12, where the lowest rate of primary school students studying 2 sessions per day was reported last year, Tran Quoc Toan Primary School in Thoi An Ward has recently been opened, bringing joy to hundreds of parents and students.

Ms. Minh Huong, a mother of a second grader of the school this year, said that her husband and she are both workers, so they want their children to study full-day at school. Previously, Thoi An ward only had one public primary school, so the dream of children attending boarding school was very far away for parents. This year, many parents can finally go to work with a sense of peace, as their long-awaited dream has been realized.

According to statistics from the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, in the 2024-2025 school year, the city will have an additional 24,097 students compared to the previous school year. As of September 5, 18 new school projects have been put into operation with a total scale of 413 classrooms.

From now until the end of December 2024, Thu Duc City and 21 districts are expected to put into operation 5 new school projects with a total scale of 63 classrooms. Thus, in this school year, nearly 500 new classrooms will be put into use, contributing to reducing pressure on learning spaces, while increasing the rate of students studying two shifts a day across the city.

In the upcoming 2025-2026 school year, the city's education sector plans to put 4,000 new classrooms into use as part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2025). Overcoming various challenges related to land funds, the city has increased public investment and encouraged social contributions to complete the construction project of 4,500 classrooms.

This is a great effort of the machinery of state to increase the scale and network of schools, meeting children and parents’ need for places to study. In addition to promotion of the scale of schools, the education sector in the southern metropolis also strives to increase the rate of schools meeting national standards, schools following the model of "Advanced schools, international integration".

Tran Anh Kiet, the Head of the Division of Education and Training of Binh Thanh District, the student population in the area grows by about 1,000 students annually. The Department has long been developing a plan for constructing schools based on advanced models and international integration, but as of now, it has not been built.

According to his explanation, to build a school according to the advanced and integrated model, the ward must have at least two public schools at the same level to meet the requirement of no more than 35 students per class. Therefore, the locality needs 2-3 years to regulate enrollment before implementing the roadmap for building schools according to advanced models. In the context of the constantly increasing mechanical population, this is a big challenge for localities in improving the quality of education in the area.

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