Accordingly, to avoid the spread of Covid-19 in the city, this Department asks that all educational institutes increasingly monitor and update information on F0, F1, F2 cases while carrying out medical declaration, including the travelling history in the last 14 days, for all staff, teachers, students, and parents of students coming back to school after the Lunar New Year holiday.
In the event that there are people coming back to HCMC from isolated or lockdown areas in accordance to the announced list by HCMC Center for Disease Control (HCDC), they should be reported immediately to the local authorities and follow medical monitoring instruction issued by the healthcare force.
People coming back to the city from other provinces or cities can declare their health status via the website
Regarding the time for students in HCMC to resume their learning at school, Vice Chairman of HCMC People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc stated that the HCMC Department of Education and Training has asked all schools to follow the curriculum as usual in online teaching and collect necessary information of their students as requested. If all go well, schools in the city can open again at the beginning of March.