The Javanese pangolin, with the scientific name of Manis Javanica, belongs to Group IB- the list of endangered, precious, and rare forest fauna threatened with extinction, prioritized for protection. It is also a globally endangered forest animal, listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. It is also one of the most exploited mammals in Southeast Asia, often being hunted for domestic consumption and traded abroad for meat and traditional medicine. In addition, this species is threatened by habitat degradation.

This pangolin individual was caught by Nguyen Van Phi, a farmer in Village No.1 in Dak Cam Commune, in his garden. Knowing that the pangolin is a rare species, which is not allowed arbitrarily to keep it in captivity, his family handed it over to the Forest Protection Department of Kon Tum City. When being handed over, the Javanese pangolin is a male individual, alive and healthy, with a total weight of 2.8 kilograms. According to the Forest Protection Department of Kon Tum City, the unit sent it to the Center for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecotourism for better care.