Pilot use of sea sand for Hau Giang - Ca Mau Expressway construction project

Starting July 1, 2024, contractors will begin pilot use of sea sand for the construction of the Hau Giang - Ca Mau Expressway.

Pilot use of sea sand for Hau Giang - Ca Mau Expressway construction project

The Ministry of Transport announced starting June 29, 2024, contractors will begin the process of extracting sea sand and plan to commence a trial phase of using sea sand for the construction of the Hau Giang - Ca Mau Expressway on July 1, 2024. This initiative is part of the North-South Expressway project's eastern section.

The Ministry of Transport revealed that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) yesterday issued the Decision No. 1746/QD-BTNMT, granting the right to use a designated sea area in Soc Trang Province to the contractor of the North-South Expressway project for extracting sea sand. This sand will be used for the construction of the Hau Giang - Ca Mau Expressway, a section of the North-South Expressway project's eastern section.

The decision to expand the trial use of sea sand stems from the urgent need for construction materials in the Can Tho - Ca Mau section of the North-South Expressway project which is expected to be completed on December 31, 2025. This expansion is based on the successful results of previous pilot projects, extensive research, and guidance from relevant ministries.

The trial will cover the section from kilometer marker 81+000 (km 81 plus zero zero zero) to the end of the main highway at kilometer marker 126+223 (km 126 plus two two three). This section includes areas in Hong Dan District of Bac Lieu Province, Vinh Thuan District in Kien Giang Province, and Thoi Binh District in Ca Mau Province.

The trial will also be conducted on the Ca Mau connection section, from kilometer marker 6+522 to kilometer marker 16+510. This section covers Thoi Binh District of Ca Mau Province, Tran Van Thoi District in Ca Mau Province, and Cai Nuoc District of Ca Mau Province.

The Ministry of Transport has instructed the My Thuan Project Management Board and the construction contractor to adhere to the following regulations during the extraction, transportation, and management of sea sand including compliance with local approvals, adherence to legal requirements, environmental protection, and maritime safety.

The Ministry of Transport also requested the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Construction, and the Ministry of Science and Technology to provide timely guidance so that the construction of sea sand can be carried out smoothly and without affecting the environment and people's daily lives.

The Ministry of Transport also requested the People's Committees of Bac Lieu, Kien Giang, and Ca Mau provinces and people's committees of localities where the project will pass through to coordinate with investors in inspecting, supervising and monitoring the pilot expansion of the project.

Previously, the Ministry of Transport reported to the Prime Minister and informed localities about the results of the pilot use of sea sand. In addition, the Ministry recommended that localities pilot and expand the use of sea sand as a road base for projects with similar environmental conditions as the pilot project and consider applying standards on salinity tolerance thresholds for crops and agricultural soil, industry and aquaculture water according to the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The expansion of the pilot project on the Eastern section of the North-South Expressway is an important basis for the Ministry of Transport and Localities to evaluate and expand the use of sea sand as roadbed material for highway projects being implemented in the Mekong Delta region

As of today, the following highway projects are under construction in the Mekong River Delta including components of the North-South Expressway project in the eastern section for the phase 2021-2025 comprising the Hau Giang - Ca Mau section, and Can Tho - Hau Giang section. Other key projects are the Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang project and the An Huu - Cao Lanh project.

The total demand for sand as construction material for these projects is approximately 50 million cubic meters.

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