Noi Bai Airport gets congested due to high volume of private vehicles

The Noi Bai International Airport got congested when passengers preferred using private vehicles to public ones.
 Noi Bai International Airport records congestion due to a huge number of private vehicles.
According to Noi Bai International Airport, the number of passengers traveling at the airport set new records. On June 24 and June 25, there were 102,000 and 104,000 turns of passengers at the airport, respectively, including nearly 93,000 domestic customers. It is expected that the figure could surge to 110,000, increasing over 40 percent compared with the pre-Covid-19 pandemic period.

The T1 passenger terminal which has been operated since 2001 was upgraded from 400 to 555 parking lots but it did not meet the high demand for personal vehicles.

Congestion at area of  Noi Bai International Airport 
During the passing time, the Noi Bai International Airport recorded a huge number of private vehicles picking up passengers with a triple volume over the pre-Covid-19 pandemic period causing high pressure on connectivity to parking lots. On the other hand, the rate of passengers using public vehicles to the airport reduced sharply, reaching around 30 percent compared with the pre-Covid-19 pandemic period.

The Noi Bai International Airport has strengthened the airport security forces and collaborated with the Noi Bai police division to regulate the vehicles, opened all exit lanes of ticket control in some timelines; restricted the vehicles to stop and park at positions in front of the T1 passenger terminal to create clear traffic flow for passengers.

The Noi Bai International Airport suggested passengers limit their private vehicle usage and strengthen public vehicles to easily access the terminals. The vehicles are required not to enter the parking lots in advance of the landing time too early to avoid pressure and comply with parking regulations.

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