It was the first day of school in over two months, after Vietnam announced widespread closures to contain the spread of the coronavirus; therefore, students were eager at schools.
The Department of Education and Training in Ca Mau Province said over 14,200 ninth graders and around 9,100 twelve graders who were informed by teachers about the first day in schools were present at classrooms.
According to the Covid-19 prevention regulation, each classroom has below 20 students and they sit in Z position to ensure the distance of 2 meters. All students wore face masks during the class and did not gather in crowd as per the regulations.
Schools must ensure new hygiene and distancing measures, however, to protect students and staff.
Chairman of the People’s Committee in the Northern Province of Thanh Hoa has given the green light to school reopening. Respectively, junior and senior high school students , students of continuous education establishments and universities will return to schools on April 21.
However, students must be measured temperature, split into smaller groups, and wash their hands immediately upon arrival and at least every two hours.
Children of preschools and primary schools still stay at home waiting for new announcement.
Public transport is allowed to carry passengers but disinfection must be conducted before and after picking up passengers. Moreover, 40-seat buses just carry 20 passengers. Long-distance passenger transport is not allowed to re-operate.
Before, the People’s Committee in Thanh Hoa Province requested to stop invitation of guests for conferences and sport, cultural and economic events. Harsh punishment will be imposed on violators.