Head urges to take action in seeking potential talents

Head Cao Thanh Binh of the Culture and Society Affairs Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council proposed agencies to hunt for talented people.

At the conference

Chairing a conference on the implementation of the City's Project 01 on supporting and developing young talents and future leaders, and the implementation of the Resolution 27 of the People's Council on the income level of experts, scientists, and talented individuals in fields that Ho Chi Minh City needs to attract, Head Cao Thanh Binh urged responsible agencies to proactively take action in seeking out potential rather than passively awaiting for talented people applying for a job in the public sector.

Representatives from various departments, agencies, and units expressed multiple challenges in carrying out policies of attracting experts, scientists, talented individuals, and exceptional students. These challenges encompass the public sector's struggle to compete with the private sector regarding the work environment, lengthy approval processes, and the absence of opportunities for outstanding students to intern and acquire experience within the public sector.

Deputy Head Tang Huu Phong of the Propaganda and Education Board of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee noted that the public sector's competitive difficulties primarily stem from its operational methods.

Head Cao Thanh Binh of the Culture and Society Affairs Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council

He pointed out the implementation in the public sector seems to stop at paperwork, while businesses that "hunt for talent" have a more proactive approach. They go directly to schools and grant scholarships to outstanding students to secure future talent or bring invitations to the dormitories of students honored by the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union to invite them to join their team.

Furthermore, Deputy Head Tang Huu Phong suggested that departments and agencies should promote the implementation of the Project 01 and the Resolution 27 by finding ways to implement them both synchronously and widely, reaching the target audience.

Mr. Cao Thanh Binh assessed that agency leaders have not taken heed of carrying out the Project 01 and the Resolution 27 as no outcome has been yielded. Students have not known about the project and the resolution.

Therefore, he suggested that it is necessary to introduce the development orientations of Ho Chi Minh City to demonstrate that the city will be an attractive destination for these individuals in the plan to attract experts and scientists. At the same time, agencies should necessarily go to universities to invite talented students to work in the public units rather passively waiting for them.

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